Friday, April 17, 2020

Second time lucky?

Jewell has been taken back by the folk who returned her earlier this week. I don't know if they were asked to pay a second adoption fee. They should have been asked!
Whatever. . . . her condo needs sterilizing again and her bed went with her.

And a young couple in an apartment came today to look at Blossom. He had had cats in his youth but she was a dog person. He seemed more tentative than she. Sue gave them Blossom's history (of biting an 80+ year old, twice) and they were apprehensive. I strolled over and started to brush Blossom and talk about her history. While I was chatting to them and patting her, the man became bolder and brushed her cheeks (a sure winner with Bloss) and the woman relaxed and told Bloss how lovely she was (another way to her heart). They went off to have a discussion. Came back and adopted her.

We lent them a cat carrier. I put a dark green towel in it for Blossom and said that we don't want it back. When Blossom sits on it and looks up at them they will see how heavenly green her eyes are. Both Sue and I asked them to call us if they have any problems and to let us know how they get on. They will have to return the carrier. Fingers crossed there won't be a Blossom inside it this time.

Chester is out of his carry cage which has been beautifully sterilized. (Thank you Sandy? Irene?)
He is a very lumpy cat. LOVES his soft food.

I believe this is Grayson. He dominated both double food dishes at the afternoon feed until I moved one down for Grace on the lower level. He was first in the hammock with a full tummy.
Grayson: white stripe on nose

Giselle and Grace

 Midnight has a sign "Save for Vanna" who is a friend of Sue's. She is off medication for her eye.

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