Wednesday, April 29, 2020

More cats, great and small

There is a new mum below Jaffa's kittens condo. With her FIVE kittens. She seems a bit wary but the kittens are relaxed.

 Lucia was out of her carrier with her fluffy. They will need names soon too.
 There is a new surrendered cat, Indiie who looks as though she has been living a bit rough. She really appreciated a brush.
 Next door is another cat (forgotten his name) who looks thoroughly shocked and horrified at the change in his life.
 Buffy doesn't mind, just so long as she gets more venison.

I moved Jaffa's kittens into the wheely cage next to the front door because they have been desexed and they need some socialization. Being stuck in the high condo in the far corner has allowed them to hide. They didn't like the change of quarters much. Jaffa is perfectly friendly now that she is by herself.

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