Friday, April 3, 2020

How old is Katy?

I went to Liverpool in record time. . . . thank you Covid-19. The girls were supposed to hand over two cats but they decided to keep the pretty grey and white boy who was lounging on a chair on the back steps. So I came home with another cat named with a sex-inappropriate name ie a boy's name for a girl. I suggested Linda or Lynette because they are from Liverpool. The girls liked Lynette and Sue said we already have a LInda. So meet Lynette:
I sociallized some cats. I brushed Luca which I have wanted to do for a couple of weeks because his coat is rough. It smooths out nicely with attention and he enjoyed it. 
If a visitor comes in the afternoon when all the cats are bored and asleep all you have to do to wake them up is to shake the bag of treats! Instantly they are all talking and bright eyed.
A few treats is a good way to get Eve to accept pats. Diva and Sienna don't go that far but they will get up. And Jewell will emerge from her upside-down bed igloo.

I used the treats to make friends with Katy. Soon she was happily participating in a grooming session. I think she is older than the stated 8 years. Her pupils were wide open and somewhat opaque, and vacant and her fur is not in good condition. Sue has a friend who may be interested so we spent some time trying to get a good photo.

Then we tried to sort out the mums and bubs. No names there so far. This is the tortie mum:

And her babies:

This is the grey tabby mum:

 And three of her four babies:
This is the dark tortie mum who arrived today. She had made her nest behind a brick wall of a friend of Sue's. The friend took a week to trap her and her kittens. Dark tortie mum:
And her kittens. I had to take a flash photo because it was very dark in the upper, far right condo.

And there is the mum from Liverpool with her two.
Happy days.

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