Friday, April 24, 2020

Collar refinement

The only "real" work I did this afternoon was to sterilize Midnight and Sooty's condos. That is the Sooty who left a fortnight ago. Not the Sootie who is getting more confident in the condo below Midnight's. (Midnight is settling in well).

But I filled in my time by introducing a woman and her daughter, Jasmine to all the cats. Their dearly beloved Beckie, who was adopted 6 years ago from Ingleside, and who I think may be this one: . . .

Becky in 2014

had to be euthanised 4 months ago because she had a tumour blocking her nose and throat. They are not quite ready for another cat yet but might be happy to spend time (ie volunteer) with our cats. We spent most of our time with the "ready to go" cats who uniformly enjoyed being loved on, especially Buffy and Kit Kat.
We spend time looking at the kittens rather than loving on each one. I felt that that would have taken too long and Jasmine would have enjoyed it too much for her mother's comfort.

This morning I sewed three Elizabethan collars small enough for a small kitten.
Tim put one on Josie who keeps getting her front leg through the neck hole.
Here is Jenny with smallish collar which looks enormous on her:

 And Jaffa in the same size which fits her neck but may be a bit limp:

Back to the drawing board
Angus was taken home for the long weekend by our neighbours. So Nom is our only border. He is not eating his noms.

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