Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Not happy

When I arrived at about 10 to 10, Cass was already in action out front and Tim had taken some cats to the vet. He had fed the mums and bubs before he left but everybody else was STARVING. It was making Cass's job hard because even the nicest cats were cranky. So I fed them all and peace reigned. Then he came back to report that Lilly and her L's have the ringworm. Willow's worm corner has been reinstated with the kittens two by two in the little condos and Lilly in a wheely cage facing them. Don't think she likes to be so far away from the source of the food.
The good news is that Lucia's kittens have been passed as ringworm free. So they were moved to the other wheely cages as all are now available. Lucia was overwhelmed even though I picked the prettiest sheet for her cage cover. Even the boys were imobilized by the change. That won't last long. Neither will they. One has already been bagsed.
Steph delivered her four cats back into our tender loving care. The girls immediately rearranged their bedding to make a hidey hole. Venus is under the covers while Petal waits her turn.
I cleaned out Lilly & Lucia's condos. That took some time and lots of wiggling, on my part. Malley was entertained.
He will move as soon as he has been vet checked into Edward's condo who moved to Waffle's condo because she got adopted! Tara was out being desexed. I checked on the mamma cat and she was attending her kittens and was not happy to see me either!

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