Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Staffless cocky

Last week I felt smug that I could sit back and be boss cocky at SH today with Joy and Gen and Catsie to do all the work. Then Catsie had to take Michael to doctors, Joy had to take her cat to the vet (more important) and Gen didn't arrive. So it was just me. I decided to do the front cats first just in case we got visitors. Then Gina arrived to adopt Lola. She had organised a friend to drive her, phoned me several times to set it up. I promised to have my phone in my pocket and turned on. It was. But it must have been on mute/no vibrate because I didn't get the call. Never mind. Gina is my friend. She knows I am a tech clutz. Gina decided on the spot that Lola was for her. There is, as her sister Francesca says, a distinct similarity in the look in their eyes. She wanted to take Lola now, today, this instant. So I dove into my first adoption. Of course, because Lola had been adopted and then returned her paperwork was not ready to go with helping bits of paper for inexperienced adopters. We muddled through it. Thank goodness Gina knows that I am a paperwork clutz. I even managed to take the payment with the square correctly (I think). One of Ashleigh's kittens is not well. (I have named her Angel but Tim doesn't like the name). There were signs of explosive diarrhorea on the condo wall. She didn't eat much yesterday. Today she managed some puree'd tuna and chicken mince in broth. She spends the day in a condo beside Marmalade. Eventually she "got" how nice the hottie was and snoozed. Missy and Milo were desexed yesterday. Missy's Elizabethan collar was missing. It was in her box not around her neck. And her stitches were gone. But no sign of blood or opening inscision. Early in the afternoon a lady arrived to visit Tabby. He was her cat before she gave him away to a friend. He lived rough before he came to her and didn't settle well with her two older female cats even though he was brilliant with the kids and adults. So eventually, for the sake of her old cats, she passed him on to a friend who, unfortunately has had to move and can't take Tabby with him. She had a lovely visit and left him purring with a pile of cooked chook. She will return.
Tabby His neighbour is Mally. Don't know where he came from.
Mally Late in the afternoon another woman arrived. Her ragdoll died 3 weeks ago and she has the cat shaped hole in her heart that we all dread. Her ragdoll was 20 when he died. She always felt guilty to leave him at home alone. So she thinks that Tim Tam and Cookie might be perfect for her. She sat on the floor and let them sniff her hair.
Big Ging feels better. He is eating more, still soft stuff and is a favourite.
Thank goodness for Robyn who washed the p-scoopers. Tomorrow's vollies will have the tools of the trade.

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