Wednesday, August 5, 2020

New Blogger

The bloody web site has been threatening to change (?update?!) its protocol for the past month. Today it has done it and I can't work the new system. Luckily they have given me the option to retain the "old fashioned" method for a transition period. Mutter, mutter, grumble, grumble. . . . if it ain't broke WHY fix it! We have The Big Ging in the Palace Suite. He was thrown out of a car in Newport and rescued by a young woman who took him to the Northern Beaches Emergency Vets. They have passed on the pleasure of finding him a new, improved owner. He is much younger than we expected. He didn't like what he was given for breakfast this morning but lapped up the rather smelly fishy food that he was given for morning tea. We have two new surrenders in the boarding aisle. Persia, whose name really should be spelled Pursia, is a very pretty girl. I don't like the feel of crochet cloth so gave her a fleece and she was much happier. Candace and Bonnie's sister was brought in from the industrial estate at Brookvale. We decided that she should have a D name and the only sweet name we could think of was Dolly. She came with 5 tiny kittens and is is the far corner of Boarding. Hera and Diamond have been declared non ringworm and probably never were. So they were moved to the condo under Lola. Initially they were shock/horror at the move but they soon came out to watch the action on the front desk. Tim's back side is always interesting. Lola, upstairs from them, did not seem pleased to have a noisy pair of grown kittens downstairs. Talking of Tim's back view: here he is trying to give Larry, Leonard and Lucia some lunch. Cody update: Tonight there were two fat bandicoots frolicking on the grass out front because I overcooked a bean bag and tipped the scorched grain there a couple of days ago. Brush turkeys have been having a lovely time digging them up and the bandicoots are probably sucking up the worms that they have uncovered. Cody was peeking at them from behind a brick wall. I don't know if it was caution or fear. He came in shortly thereafter and put himself to bed. . . such an exciting evening.

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