Friday, April 2, 2021

Splendid is the grass

Joan took home lots of the pots of grass that we were given last year. She gave up on trying to revive them and planted seed in other pots. It has grown and grown to very tall, tender, delicious grass. She delivered a box full this week and I took them onto Safe Haven and delivered them before breakfast. I had intended to take a before and after photo but, as usual, got busy. This is how good a pot looked after it had been chewed to at least a half of its original height.
The reason that I took it out of the condo of the cat who ate it is that he, Julio has gone home. He only came yesterday. He was surrendered because the mother of the family of young children has terminal cancer and it was decided that the cat had to find another home. But this morning the kids and an adult were back to take the cat back home before 10am. They couldn't cope without the fabulous Julio. (A vollie who arrived earlier than me had already fallen in love with him). Don't know what the de-surrender price was but, undoubtedly worth every penny. Also on the doorstep before 10am was the woman who NEEDED to adopt Gracie's tabby girl, Gabrielle. The deed was done. She was happy. Gabriella will grow big and fat and the rest of Gracie's kittens will get a better share of any food that is on offer. While this was happening the crew was cleaning the full house. The house now has an annex. Yesterday's crew must have worked themselves to exhaustion because quarantine is now in the new room which makes SPACE in the cattery.
And isolation for the flu cats. Which meant that everybody else was moved. Freya is in the main room. (That must have been a tense transfer). And Suki is in ex-quarantine. She is waiting to be just right to be taken home to foster care. Next door was a VERY pregnant cat who had a battered nose. She has been just trapped and delivered. A brave vollie came to take her home for the birth and tiny kitten period. Another vollie came to take home Bella's kittens. All five went to the vet on Monday but only 3 came back yesterday. We hope that they will do better now they have been set up by the vet to thrive. In the meantime, boarders kept arriving. Like Finn who is a bossy cat, according to his owners.
During the afternoon Tim interviewed a volunteer bookkeeper. Imagine! She is to job share with another vollie! She grew up on a dairy farm in NZ so knows cats. Peggy liked her. I sat her in with the G kittens.
The friend of Sue who has been fostering Apricot came to sign the adoption papers. She is very happy with Apricot who is very happy with her other cat. Apricot is still vary of strangers but hides in a place where her ears show, so that everybody knows where she is. And a woman from Hornsby rang at 2.45 to ask if she could come to adopt George but the shops are shut on Good Friday and do we have the stuff a kitten would need? Of course we do. She brought her two young kids and took their time (even grandpop turned up) to decide that Dash was a better choice for her kids. I may just have influenced that decision. Bridie came out.
because dinner was late.

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