Thursday, December 30, 2021

New Years Eve

 Helen emailed to ask if I could go in early to help because somebody couldn't make it. But everything was under control when I got there before 11am. Lots of boarders have gone home. Others arrived today including two more ragdolls who came with notices of "Loves cuddles" "Loves to be brushed", etc, etc. But they have not been boarded before so I think they may take time to settle in.

I had a fright when I noticed that the door of the mum +4 was open on the back row. I flew around shutting doors and windows and galvanised the troops. Sophie found the fourth kitten hiding inside the condo. Quelle relief! Moral of this story: if you have trouble shutting a condo door: ASK for HELP.

A woman came in to adopt an unadoptable. She couldn't decide between Mr Magoo, Maple and Kingsley. The cat will be an only in an apartment with a yard with 2 m high fences. She went away to think about it.

A young woman came in to adopt a pair of the 4 kittens being fostered by a friend. The friend is adopting the other two. So we have a foster fail and a friend success. The woman's friend was interested in Mr Magoo and Maple. She may be back.

Another woman and her fella came from the southern highlands to meet Max. He was not in the mood to cooperate. They went away to have a cup of coffee and didn't return.

Everybody loved the chicken.

Trixie and Frankie were desexed today. Terry would have them adopted tomorrow if it wasn't so close to the operation date!

As you can tell I was too busy to take any photos. So I will leave 2021 with a photo of my Cody who has practiced his "day after the night before" pose suitable for New Year's Day.


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