Sunday, April 24, 2022

Adoption Tails: At last

 [Long time no AT blog. But today we have real news to celebrate.]

Tabitha was adopted yesterday. Don't they look well matched?

Tabitha with her new owner

And today Diego was adopted and has moved to Potts Point. I hope he will have a great view.


And we are still thrilled that Trixie was adopted on Tuesday, April 19.

Day 1: Trixie is already walking around like she owns the place and has been playing a lot of games. She is still a little skittish but is gradually getting used to her new owner's company.

Adoptees that we are unlikely to hear more of:

Mr Magoo, adopted March 17
day 1: Yeah he’s absolutely fine. Like a duck to water. Eating and drinking, doesn’t seem scared/hesitant at all, very confident. Used his litter tray too. We named him Bob (or Big Bob)
1 week: He’s doing really well. Yeah he seemed to be desperate to explore so after a couple of days we let him out and he was just totally fine. Like he’s been here years. Eating and drinking as much as we give him, and yeah very comfortable with us. He particularly likes chilling on the sofa. (They sent two photos and he looks very happy).

Duke adopted April 2, 22
1 week: Duke has settled in incredibly well. He sleeps on new owners bed, follows her around and give lots of affection. The eye seems to be improving too.

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