Friday, April 15, 2022

Full of boarders

 I was going to count the number of cats today, but didn't get around to it. Another boarder arrived who has stayed with us before. He was not amused. His owner says that he has trouble with his teeth so I suggested we give him TD's instead of the harder chrunchies. He might be very happy by the time she comes back.

I was just handing out the last of the chicken (there is never enough) when a family of mum and 3 twenty-something daughters arrived for one daughter to choose a loving cat, not too young, that would be happy to be left all day while she works in retail. She rather fancied Sabrina's Mocha (Sasha has already been adopted but not picked up) but the family advised that two kittens would be happier at home alone all day than just one. She then fell in love with Trixie but really can't afford the possible expense of her gingivitis. After Tim told her all about Trixie's history past and possible future, she looked harder at Po who decided that she liked the whole family, rolled on her side, kneaded the air with her front paws, let herself be picked up and cuddled by all the daughters. Perfect match. And a bargain at $230 because she is 6 years old. We started the paperwork at 4pm. 

I took a couple of quick photos so that there would be something for the blog. (Didn't get one of Po because her new family was recording her every move.)

The D kitten with the slow heart rate who had an electrocardiogram is just fine. His heart speeds up when it needs to. He is just a super fit, athlete type of cat.

D boy, the athelete

D girl who looks scared but really isn't

Sabrina's kittens are all ready to go. This may be the last time they are all together in the Canin condo. It will probably be just Sabrina there by the end of the long weekend. They all got their vaccinations this afternoon and at one stage all escaped. I was handing out chicken at the time so they were really easy to catch.

Sabrina + 6

Wanda had time out from her four on Katie's chair.

Wanda (not winking but one sore eye still)

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