Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Back in the 90's

 We had 90 cats and 2 rabbits this morning when I arrived. But 4 (or 5) boarders arrived and two went home so we are still over 90 but not quite to 100!

The garbage men were VERY early this morning. When I arrived at 6:50am, they had already collected the commercial as well as the residential bins. Which means that every vollie should take home at least one bag, please, because I didn't have the opportunity to put our extra 18, or so, bags into other peoples' bins. And those were last week's bags. We will have more bags this week because of more cats. 

The Canin condo has been moved into the main cat room with its cargo of Sabrina and her kittens.

The only way to control five of the kittens is to put them into a carrier. It is a very full carrier. Lulu (the short haired tuxedo sticks close to Sabrina).
a container of kitten mischief

A woman rang early to get directions to come to meet Romeo and Juliette. I quickly cleaned their condo to make them ready for visitors. It required Gumption. The whole family arrived. The rather deaf mum  wants a cat (or two) to replace her beloved but stand-offish previous cat. Her husband, her daughter and her grandson (last two visiting from the UK). Romeo and Juliette were overwhelmed and hid in their carrier, together. . . . or was it the lingering smell of Gumption? Disappointed the family asked to see others. We went through the lot and husband, daughter and grandson liked Trixie the best. She behaved beautifully and purred in everybody's arms. But the mum was hesitant about the potential cost of her swollen salivary glands and decided that she liked one of Sabrina's best. They are not yet available but probably will be tomorrow.

Coco had demolished her box and I couldn't find a suitable replacement so gave her one of the "cat towers" that teeter on top of the D kitten's condo. She loves it. When she has chewed her way through the tower I will put $5 in the donation box.

Coco has a new box

Between these visitors and the boarders and their owners who kept coming and going, and being two vollies down, it was a busy day. A man even came to sell us some kind of Vet Clinic package. A woman came from the local funeral home to give us stuff left over from her recently dead pug (at 12 and a half years old, he was a very old pug) and cat beds. So busy that we didn't have time to make a fuss of Mayka who has graduated to the next age group. No more kitten food for her.

Speaking of food, we are desperately short of wet food. If you have any that your cats have rejected, please donate it to the Safe cats.

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