Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Fork lift

 The day started with a phone call from Rozelle from a retired nurse who is mad for Persians and wanted to come visit Luigi and Bambi. She has had Persians before and especially loves red Persians like Luigi. She wanted chapter and verse about their medical history and I said that Tim would know more than me. "I am on my way anyway" she said. And we hurried to clean up them and their condo which was in the usual state of havoc as somebody had poo'd out of the litterbox and wee'd on it to make sure. Then sat in it. I dried Luigi's legs and paws while Rod scrubbed. We got them looking splendidly fluffy and she didn't turn up. She phoned at 4pm to say that she would come tomorrow because when she set off in the morning the rain was so heavy that she couldn't see where she was going. I doubt they will look as spruce tomorrow but she is very keen.

The day ended with the delivery of something corrosive to next door. The driver called up on the intercom to ask if I had a fork lift to get it out of his truck. No. Eventually we arrived at the compromise that he would drive his truck to the basement entry (too big to drive in), unpack the pallet on which was one 20gallon carboy of 90% acetic acid (that is a lot of salads!) onto our trolley, I signed all the paperwork and trundled it up to Suite 18. I have thought of a good payback: John can come and clean the really high condos. Only he is tall enough to reach their ceilings.

This morning I noticed that Violet's kittens were having trouble getting to the upper level of their condo. She hangs out upstairs. They claw up the mesh to get to her. So I added a stratchy box downstairs and put their fluffy bed upstairs. They had a marvelous time running up and down. Quite exhausted Violet who flaked out on the fluffy bed.

Violet + 4
Wanda has been separated from "her" kittens. She is delighted that she doesn't have to share her food any more.

Wanda says "MY bowl"

She is below Ricki who might be pregnant. There was not signs of any kittens today.


Google says: The 'ginger gene' which produces the orange colour is on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes and so need two copies of this gene to become ginger, whereas males need only one. This means there are roughly three males to one female ginger cat.


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