Only one adoption today and it doesn't count because it was Lucky who was adopted from foster by vollie Vicky weeks ago and she just did the paperwork today. No follow ups required. He already rules the house, husband and dogs.
Steph brought in a mum and her kittens. The mum, a calico is Star. Her boy kittens are Jupiter (tabbie) and Venus (white). Her girl kittens are Saturn (champagne), Pluto (tortie) and Mars (ginger). They must have all been named when it was too early to tell what sex they were. They formed a very flat universe today when they moved into the Canin condo because some have the flu and one has ringworm. Because they are sick the Canin condo has been rolled back into Incoming and Beauty, Amelia are back beside Jackson.
Star and family
There is another sweet ginger girl in Incoming, Ricki. Don't know where she came from.
Ricki |
And Flo, a tiny kitten below Midsummer who goes home with Katie every night. She was dumped in somebody's yard. (It must be exciting at Katie's because she was flaked out all afternoon).
Flo |
Sabrina and Tutu have been moved to boarding.
Sabrina and Tutu
Tigger |
Tigger is where Rufus used to be. You can tell that Tigger is upset about the move, there is food in his bowl.
Rufus in above Sabrina and Tutu. He is to be picked up on Monday. I think he liked being close to the roof but he stayed out of camera range.
Rufus |
And Jackie is below them. She is not well but we don't know what to do to help her tummy. She did like a little bit of chicken.
Jackie |
Coco, who has been on the adoption list for some weeks while in foster, came in because her fosterers are going away. Their other cats came in to board. Coco quickly figured out how to open her condo and passed me while I was sitting close by trying to get mats from Gigi's flanks. I called a warning and when she made a bolt for the front door her fosterer grabbed her. It is never dull at Safe Haven.
Coco |
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