Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Neat day

 I got all the poo bags out into other peoples' bins early. Including the old ones that I had left behind the door last Friday. So today we have two empty Willoughby bins in the basement and two Cousins bins on the sidewalk. One is full with 30Kg of poo bags, etc. The other only has 17 Kg of trash in it. So can be added to before Friday afternoon.

Sue tackled the stuff that shouldn't be in the entry hall. I squeezed those cardboard boxes into the Cousin's bin which wasn't emptied on Friday. Then we tackled the teetering column of cat carriers in the Boarders Back Corner. They are up top now and the ridiculously large sifting litter trays (which must take all of a 15Kg bag of compressed sawdust litter) that were put in the working space in Better Row are now back where they used to be in the Boarders Back Corner. Some people will be unhappy. But more will be overjoyed at not having to negotiate piles of stuff all morning long.

Pickles and kittens are back in the play place. They were having such a lovely time, Sue and I decided to leave them there. Pickles is a great mum. She supervises and plays with her kittens.

The person who was going to adopt Angel, didn't. She (the kitten) is available again. Don't know what happened there.

Angel and Luke
They have new neighbours in the corner whose names I have forgotten.

And Talia above, whose condo mate (?Henry) was adopted. She is very pretty.
There was only one visiting couple today: a daughter who is trying to talk her dad into having a cat. He doesn't speak much English so it was hard for me to gauge how convincing his daughter was. She seemed to like any and all kittens. He seemed to like Dexter who behaved perfectly.

We moved Chilli's carry cage out of his condo and replaced it with an igloo shaped like a Xmas plum pudding. He seemed much happier! Who knew that cats like plum puds.

Chilli before the plum pud transfer
He has a new neighbour who must have been well loved because he came in a box labelled Tommy's Shed. I don't know his story but will try to find out.

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