Wednesday, February 14, 2024


I was late again after taking DH to the eye injecting doctor. There were very few vollies and all worked hard . . . . especially Catsie who not only did Incoming but also did the washing up. That is devotion!

The rubbish hadn't been picked up when I got there. And I didn't have a moment to think of it until I left. There are bags and bags on the verandah and the Cousins bins to be filled (with only 30Kg please) tomorrow.

There was one woman who came in to adopt Angel. I think she was taken by the name. The kitten is not particularly angelic. But the woman was convinced that Angel was the kitten to replace her ragdoll who loved to sit beside her. She really wanted a small dog but couldn't find one. Pity I didn't know last week when somebody rang to surrender their family's chihuahua and I couldn't help them.

Luke is her condo mate but, while they like to play together they are not particularly bonded
 So we went through the adoption process until it got to the place when I ask for $375 dollars for a kitten. "But your website says that they cost $70!" So I checked our website and there was no mention of $70. "It must have been another website that I was looking at." Indeed. She will be back tomorrow when her pension cheque is deposited and she has enough money to pay for her angel.

Then some schoolgirls arrived with a collapsible cage. . . probably one of ours from the time when one of the girls fostered our kittens. I said, of course, "have a look at our lovely kittens". So they did. Go look at Tinkerbelle, I said. And the one who was in the foster home did and she reported on the cute kittens in the condo next door to Tinkerbelle. "Really" said I and went to check:

two indistinct blobs behind Josie

behind Josie

Tim said that the "thread" in the mid ground might be umbilical cord. 

More babies!

And Betty is not eating. She looks very thin all of a sudden. Tim has seen her suckling her 7 but mostly she just sits and looks sad.

The stand alone from incoming has decanted Cass, Michelle, Denny and John into the enclosure next door to Patch and Lily. I think they are getting used to kittens for neighbours.

black and white forever

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