Wednesday, February 28, 2024

An Odd Day

 At 10am a woman arrived to choose one of Sabrina's kittens. They are not available yet. But she has been "told" by spirits that a Sabrina kitten is fated to be in her life and she must come to be chosen by the kitten or her world will . . . .. goodness knows what. Tim said "They are in Isolation and you can't go in there". "Come back when Prue has moved Pickles and her lot out of the play place, cleaned and sterilized it and put Sabrina's kittens in there". 

She was happy with that. And I got on with cleaning up Pickle's mess. She came back when the kittens were just exploring their new digs so were somewhat distracted. I shut her in with them. She phoned her medium to discuss the situation. After half an hour she had decided which kitten had "chosen" her with the help of the phone medium. 

So I said, when that kitten comes up on our web site, come and get her. "But I want her NOW". Sorry, she isn't on the web site. Besides. Her tummy looks a bit red and she can't get adopted until her surgery wound is all healed. 

Eventually she went away with our assurances that we wouldn't adopt "HER" kitten to anybody else.

In a effort to get normality, I gave PC and Dexter a run this afternoon (after Aslan had his). They decided that they are office cats. PC chose the guest chair and loved being groomed by Charlie. He has gloop in his left eye. Tim gave him some ointment.

PC loves to be groomed

PC's grooming tool

Dexter took over the office chair. It matches his eyes.


Then we had a call from the emergency vets at Terry Hills. Last night man jumped from his balcony down four stories to his death. He had his small dog in his arms. The dog is only slightly injured. It is more shocked and is missing the other dog that was left in the apartment. The vets wanted to know if we would deal with the dogs. I said we don't have any dog fosterers. They are all foster fails. She said their staff would happily foster the dogs if we would do the adoption process. Tim was on the phone so while she was waiting to talk to him she said she would try the "pound". With success. Somebody else is taking the two dogs. 

I have a sore finger from playing tennis. My physio sister gave me a pair of gloves to ease the pain. Catsie came in to work with a sore hand. She is left handed so I gave her the glove that I don't need. It helped. I will try the right glove at tennis on Friday.

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