Friday, February 2, 2024

Shortest stay at the Safe cattery

 I arrived around noon and Chewy, Joda, Leia and Luke just beat me. They came from a foster home. By 4pm Leia had been adopted! The lady who met her in her foster home decided that she was needed in her home.

Luke and Leia

Chewy and Joda
They are next door to Lily and Patches who do not like to be able to see their neighbours. New or otherwise.

Lily and Patches
The kittens got a scratchy pole inserted into their condo when Geoff arrived. So we had to move them into the play place. Inserting a stratchy pole means that the whole enclosure needs to be moved, rescrewed, re curtained, and replaced. I imagine that the kittens will stay in the play place overnight. 

Martin had a turn there and was really happy running around and sitting with/on any visitors. He is a real sweety when out of the stand alone.

But the best news of the day is that Molly was adopted. A young woman came to meet our cats. We spent time saying hello to everybody. I thought that she was just doing a recee but after talking to Irene and getting Molly's background, she called her partner and said "I WANT HER". FIV, no teeth and all. Mind you, Molly behaved beautifully with her so it must have been a match made in heaven.

And late this afternoon Betty gave birth. When I left there were perhaps 5 wee slugs. There may be more by morning. I didn't like to disturb her so she missed out on afternoon tea but I imagine that Geoff gave her a good dinner.

Betty plus ?5

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