Sunday, June 9, 2024

Adoption Tails: Tinkerbell, Pistachio

 Tinkerbell aka Tika

1 day: She’s been doing really well! She hid under the couch for about an hour when she was first brought home but she came out of her shell really quickly. She’s eating, drinking, and using her litter box. She doesn’t like loud noises so they’ve been keeping the TV down and talking softly but are sure she’ll get used to it soon. She slept on her owner’s bed all night. Her owner’s bedroom is her safe room but she doesn’t really use it. She’s definitely fit in with her new family very well. They need to teach her not to chew everything she sees but she’s getting there.

 1.5 weeks: She’s been great! She isn’t really scared of loud noises anymore - not even the vacuum. She seems to have settled it really nicely and is the easiest cat. Every night, she takes herself to bed at 8 pm and doesn’t get up until her owner or her owner’s mother wakes up in the morning. She’s super happy and loves the couch.

 1 month: She’s adjusted perfectly to her food and is no longer having any stomach issues. She is happy to eat “anything and everything” - her owner has been switching her food around a little and she’s super happy with whatever. She’s eating Royal Canin wet food at night and Royal Canin biscuits. She has Ziwi Peak occasionally too. The other day she licked Vegemite off her owner’s plate and seemed to enjoy it. She has been renamed Tika and has a nickname of Tika-meow-sala. She has been registered and needs her final kitten vaccination. They’ve been giving her catnip dental treats to help with her dental hygiene. “This cat has been a blessing to me honestly I can’t wait to spend the rest of her life with her”. Her owner also said “She is super happy and playful and her legs don’t seem to be an issue at all”

 1.5 months: “just wanted to thank you guys for the last time. This cat was a blessing and more than anything I could’ve asked for and I feel like I made the complete right decision! thank you so much and if anyone I know wants to adopt or I ever want to adopt again you guys will be the first I turn to. If I ever go on holiday I know I can trust my kitty with you guys to look after her and if I ever need anything I know I can contact you guys”


Pistachio aka Kumo

3 days: “Pistachio is doing really well! He is mostly out from under the bed, is eating normally, he’s drinking and using his litter tray well now too. He’s becoming so confident and playful. So good to see!”

9 days: Pistachio has been renamed Kumo, which means cloud. He is doing really well. His owner opened the safe room door yesterday. He spent half the day exploring but chose to sleep in his safe room. He’s still eating normally and using his litter tray. “He’s becoming more affectionate and sleeps on the bed with me at night.”

1 month: “Kumo’s doing well. He’s a sweet, playful boy, he’s grown so much and become cuddly.”



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