Friday, June 21, 2024

Happy Harry

 Sorry I am late. Geoff usually does the night feed on Fridays but he has gone off to WA to swim with the whales and enjoy the big skies. For three weeks. . . . 

But Irene came today to catch up the paperwork on the cats who are ready for adoption. There should be new faces on our website soon. Hansel and Derek are ready to go. They want out of their stand alone. They wiggle so much it is difficult to get a good photo of them. Sod's law says that after all the efforts to get photos of them together and separate today by Irene and others, Terry will find them a home tomorrow.

Somebody was handing out clean cat beds. I don't know how Harry came to have his put on the front desk. He was happy and stayed there most of the afternoon while Cooper was on the poof under the computer.

Harry is happy
Later Charlie took up his preferred place on the visitors chair. (Lola spends her days on the conference table on Cass's hoodie in a cat bed in Opies room). Champ was tucked into a stratchy pole box.
I agreed with Sebastian and Pebbles that they NEEDED time out in the Top Cat.
And Miz actually got up to visit them. 

Riley was not going anywhere, thank you!

Theresa's four are only three these days. The little one has gone to foster. The remainders are getting bolder. There are two white ones and one tortie. We need names beginning with T.

Amelia has been desexed and moved to Boarding. She was quite confused this afternoon. But quite needy. As was Mira. And Epsilon. Maybe it was a bit chilly back there.

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