Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Because Jake and Josh got adopted their condo became available for Liam. 

Because Liam moved away from his "mother",  she promptly dropped another kitten in Incoming! I didn't get a photo. The kitten is too small and mum looks plump enough to have other kittens still to come.

Because Ryan and Luna got adopted (separately), Hansel and Derek moved into the front door stand alone and had a wonderful time in a space 6 times, at least, as big as their condo in Incoming.

Because Queen Victoria got adopted, Pickles was moved into her condo. He wasn't really pleased but I think he will enjoy watching other cats more than watching food.

So that means there are 3 empty condos on Better Row. Irene won't be able to resist that for long. She has 11 cats/kittens at her house.

And because a previous adopter dropped by few weeks ago to visit the cats and admire the hammocks I have two big bags of fabric scraps to make into hammocks. She was in the business of making face masks during Covid and has lots of left-overs.

And because an ex-vollie was collecting bedding for charity, she thought of us and rang to ask if we needed any fitted sheets. . . . no, thank you; blankets. . . . . no thank you; towels. . .. yes! please!

And, because we were busy I didn't get out my camera so here is an old photo of Dexter who made a dash for freedom during his condo cleaning. His cleaner was too wary of getting bitten to pick him up. But he is very good for me. . . . famous last words?


And a photo of my Cody who is a Safe adoption. Sharon picked up her Leo this afternoon. He was very pleased to see her after being abandoned with us for 5 WHOLE DAYS!


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