Friday, June 7, 2024

Lily and Patches gone

 The nice couple came yesterday to adopt them. Even Tim agreed that they are nice people. But he didn't give them the round hidey hole that Lily lived in for the first month that she was with us. It is worn to tatters now and would hardly have been a pleasant gift to get. But Lily would have been comforted by its familiarity. 

I cut off the worst of the shredded covering cloth, cleaned it, gave it a good spray and put it into their Enclosure, in memorium, so to speak.

A woman and her wheelchair pusher came to visit some cats because Jiji's, the cat cafe on Eastern Valley Way, area for wheelchairs is in the open and the weather was not conducive to sitting outside today. They wheeled out the back and I immediately put Harry on her lap. They were both delighted and had a good pat and cuddle. He is such a tolerant cat.

But later, when he wanted food, he showed his loud side. And when he got out of his condo and wanted into the main cattery, he showed his determined side. Such a character.

Talking of which, Betty has been in the stand alone by the door. She tries to engage every person who walks through the door. I thought perhaps she wanted to play rather than just wanting more food. So I put up the Top Cat straight-wise, wheeled her stand alone into that area and had a vollie try to entice her out with a wand toy. No way was Betty going to go out of her stand alone, thank you. She might have for food, though. I gave up eventually and pushed her back to where Cooper was. She can watch other cats wander around and play. And Cooper can be the door warden when he is not sitting on his poof under the computer desk.

Later I let Pebbles and Sebastian into the Top Cat. On Wednesday they were very reluctant to venture out of their condo. This afternoon they came straight out and started to play.

Pebbles and Sebastian
The only other photo I took was of Barry and Blaze. They looked so comfy on a newly warmed up hot water bottle. Wonder what happened to the hotty cover?
Barry behind Blaze
A family (Mum, Dad and teenaged daughter) came to look at kittens. Luckily they rather fancied champagne kittens. They wanted to compare Ryan's colouration with Josh's. So we let Ryan walk in front of their condo. . . in the gutter. They all enjoyed that. The family has gone home to think about it and check out the foster kittens. Irene says that we have even more champagne kittens almost ready to be uploaded.

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