Micky at Safe
1 day: He’s settling in nicely. “Very gregarious and already keen to play and explore.” He’s eating and drinking but ignored the litter box in favour of a quiet corner of the room for a poo. They’ve moved the litter to that quiet corner and he managed to find it for a second poo earlier in the afternoon. He slept under the bed last night but is already coming out as soon as anyone goes into the room.
1 week: Micky’s still a bit shy about leaving the room but probably because there’s an exuberant puppy wanting him to play. “Micky doesn’t seem to bothered by him but at the moment not keen to play!”
1 month: All is going very well. Micky is quite comfortable around the entire house and also with their dog. The next step is to explore outside but he seems pretty happy still inside.
Rainy, now Lizzie
Rainy at 6 days
6 days: “Rainy is doing very well. Very settled and very playful. My kids love her”. She is toileting and eating fine but they’ve realised she can be quite fussy with meals. They bought kitten Dine and she didn’t like it but she loved Purina kitten wet food.
3 weeks: Rainy has been renamed Lizzie. She’s doing very well and is part of the family now. She goes around the whole house and up and down the stairs like her own home. “She jumps around quite a bit too!” She is very attached to the owner’s daughter.
Rainy now Lizzie
5 weeks: “She is very good. Getting mischievous and pretends nothing happened… super cute!”
1 day: Henry is settling into his safe room at the moment, he's eating and drinking, quite a hungry boy. The owners are sticking to 1/8 cup of dry food 3x a day and 2tsp of wet food. He's using the litter tray. He'll be keeping his name. The owners will be going to NZ for 10 days in roughly 1 month, they are trying to see if they can get someone to house sit so that Henry doesn't feel displaced but may end up booking in some boarding with SAFE since he is familiar. They don't want Henry to feel like he's being returned. He has started to come out to eat and will even come up and purr for pats and things.
No 1 week response.
1 month: Henry is fantastic now! He has opened up so much since the owners first brought him home.
Henry |
Meatball, now Pippin
1 day: Meatball is doing well. He did not toilet until the second morning which was a relief for the owner. He is eating well, eating dry food slowly but loves the raw chicken. He also loves cuddles and be around people. Enjoying the cat bed and pet heated mat as well. They've decided to rename him Pippin from Lord of the Rings.
Meatball now Pippin
1 week: Pippin is happy and playful. He loves to roam around the apartment. He has a big appetite and tends to inhale his food so the owners need to be careful not to overfeed.
1 month: Pippin is happy, healthy and such a good eater. He plays with all his toys, climbs the cat tree and sleeps in the human bed at night. His ear yeast infection shows signs of returning so the owners will take him to the vet. Other than that, Pippin is loved and full of life.
Fluff, now Gatsby
1 day: Fluff has been renamed Gatsby and he’s settling in very well. “He plays with us, and even lets us pet him already”
1.5 weeks: He has been very confident. He has been playing around, jumping on every cupboard, biting all the plants and getting zoomies. “He’s loving life - he’s also eating, drinking & sleeping well. And enjoys his cuddles”
Fluff |
1 month: no response
Tango, now Hanae
1 day: Tango was really scared for the first few hours but has since settled in well. She has been eating, drinking, toileting, and playing a lot. She hasn’t met the resident cat as they don’t seem happy to see her.
Tango day 1
1 week: Tango has settled into the unit very well. She runs around and plays a lot. “She seems to be very comfortable in the new environment.” The resident cat has not adjusted to Tango yet. Tango tries to get along with the resident cat who gets scared and runs away. Her owner thinks it will take longer for the resident cat to adjust to Tango. She had her 3-month vaccination this morning. She was a bit scared and the nurse needed to help but it all went well.
1 month: “I renamed her Hanae (which means flowers & smile). She is very active and loves playing with toys, running around a lot. She seems to be more comfortable now. My resident cat is not able to adjust yet but I can see her slow improvement. Hanae has brought a bright light to my life and now she is my loved family member”
Tango and resident cat