Wednesday, December 18, 2019

? Correct Date

Sandy commented that the blog posts always have the wrong date. I don't know if it is a day earlier or a day later. As I am writing this on Thursday, it will be a test.

We were very busy at SH yesterday. By next week when we are full of boarders, it will be frantic. Tim had the day off (excellent) but had left instructions about moving kittens around. We thought it would be a good opportunity to name and photograph the kittens. First problem was to agree on their sex (three agreements out of four opinions was good enough). Then to decide what system to use.
Melody's kittens got musical names: Madonna, Mozart and Monti (for Montiverdi)
The kittens who came from Blacktown got A names (starting at the top of the alphabet as we don't know their mother's name): Angelo (for the heavenly mackerel tabby), Amanda, A..... I left the piece of paper on the filing cabinet because I was in a rush to get to a Xmas luncheon. To be continued on Friday.

One of Candace's kittens has lost a lot of weight so it is at home with TIm getting fluids and extra care. The other two don't look very well. Candace is still full of flu and has retreated to her bed box without the kittens to give her courage.
Joy thinks that this C kitten is improving in looks.

Joy also wondered if Elsa ever gets out of her cave.  . . . She does when it is time for the people to leave. If Tim is late, he often sees her. Plus stuff moves overnight. This morning her igloo was sitting, saturated, in a puddle of water. Luckily I found another teepee shaped one. I hope she likes it.


Smokey got adopted. Of course. Pity grey hair is not so popular on people. 


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