Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Enough excitement for one day

It started quietly enough with Joy wrangling kittens out the back and me cleaning the welfare cats. 

We had finished all but the three wild ones who Tim brought from Lauren's. They were supposed to be "sweet" when given to us, but either the process has been upsetting for them or the donors lied. Or perhaps they didn't like the names chosed for them: Winston (ginger), Wesley and Tammy. They were in the condo below Scarlett as a hissing, spitting trio. Tim decided that they should be separated to give them a chance to be socialized. We set up sheets as barriers to make a straight path to the condo where Shivers was. Tim donned his gauntlets. Tim grabbed the cat he wanted but Tammy hightailed it to freedom.

Silly girl chose to bolt behind the condo block adjacent to the ghastly wall art. Sienna had tried that before so Tim had a method involving a broom. We again set up "barriers" of blankets and sheets to direct her to the nearest condo. The broom was inserted and the cat shot straight out and up the huge climbing tree. Luckily I was standing beside it and grabbed her and threw her into the condo. It was over in two seconds. No blood was drawn. My heart beat fast for five minutes. 

So the ferals are sorted. They will soon be tamed by tender words, food and love.

Next door (below Kimmy) are four little kittens and their mother who hides under the bed. The kittens are friendly. Charlie was prepared to play footsies with one of them.
Joy played with another

 Smokey was surrendered this morning. She walked out of her carry case into the condo but would not say goodbye nicely  to her person. There was a clash with a dog at home. I doubt she will be with us for long.

Samantha was very keen to be patted so I decided to wipe the gunk from her eyes. She didn't like my choice of cloth so I had to do it with my fingers which I washed three times and F10'd throughly. Candace is full of flu. But her kittens don't seem to be infected.

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