Friday, December 20, 2019

Greenest grass

I met Sandy leaving as I arrived at SH this afternoon with the great news that there were three volunteers this morning and all the work had been done.

So I cannot understand why I worked constantly all afternoon and was late, again for my physio appointment at 4:30!

I did have a basket full of lovely succulent grass to feed the cats. There is a broken pipe on the sidewalk a few doors down from me and the grass grows very well. So well that I suspect that it is a sewage pipe but as this is the only green grass around at the moment, neither the cats or I will report it.

Penny in her new condo

Melody with a raw patch on her nose


Taylor and Buffy share a condo. His skin is full of scabs from some kind of allergic dermatitis.

Scarlett was adopted to a family who has experience with cats and another female at home. Lucky them.

Candace's black and white kitten that Joy admired on Wednesday was struck down by the nasty virus that his black  brother had and died very suddenly yesterday. The black kitten is feeling better and the black and white one is OK, at the moment.

I cleaned condos so that cats could be moved out of the boarding area in expectation of the influx this weekend. Only Blossom is on the other side of the door and she may have to be moved out eventually. And I cleaned the condos that they moved out of. . . some were quite manky.

A couple of boarders arrived. Kittens were moved. It was busy.

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