Friday, December 6, 2019

Sick ginger

Jack has been adopted, again. He hasn't come back, yet. Let us hope that his new owners follow Tim's advice this time.

The 6 Heinz kittens have gone to foster in Avalon because Tim can't manage 4 hourly feeds as well as everything else that he does. And Bron already has Mini Mama's four. . . . what is another 6 kittens!

Mandarin the bigger ginger kitten was not eating yesterday so Tim took him to Brookvale vet. He is very dehydrated and full of flu. He was put into Shivers' first condo where we can all keep an eye on him. His little brother, Mango was moved next door. After I fed everybody the pitiful grass that I gathered in the park, I gave him another comb through. More flea dirt came off him but no live fleas. And I washed his face as well as I could.

Milly wasn't interested in the dry, tough grass but happily posed for a photo.


 Blossom demanded seconds after I had fed everybody so I spent time with her and groomed a pile of hair from her. Her tail is thick but she doesn't like it to be brushed. While I stood there I could hear Bonnie purring and kneading the front of her condo. She sounds like she has asthma but it is probably only the flu. As soon as it can be confirmed that she doesn't haven any kittens inside her still, she will be put on the flu treatment. She is getting very friendly in the meantime.

Talking of tails: Charlie's is a beauty. But he has something sticking to his bum. I offered to brush it off but was told NO. Always obey a big cat.

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