Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mini Mama

Remember back in October when I went to Blacktown to pick up a pregnant kitten and called her mini Mama?

She has been in the Avalon foster home since then but is back at Safe Haven because the six kittens who came from the Blacktown pound at the same time as the two ginger kittens, Mango and Mandarin, who were sent to Avalon so that they could get six feeds a day, have come down with the same virus that the gingers had. Three of them have died. So  Mini Mama and her four kittens have been sent to SH out of reach of the dreadful virus.

Mini Mama's name is Eve. A heater fell on one of her kittens and damaged his pelvis. So he drags his back legs around. The foster carer will adopt him. The others are fine and all are very pretty.

  Eve's kittens

Maggie and Kitkat were surrendered. They are a bonded pair, and are 9 years old. You'd think they would have learned to find nice places to lie down at their age.

I got to SH rather late without any grass. I hid in the kitchen and did the washing up to avoid the disappointed stares from the cats who rely on my grass. Talk about a guilt trip.

But when I arrived, Charlie was having his time out. He flopped on the ground in front of me so I gave him a twirl (360 degrees by holding head and rump). He must have liked it because he kept flopping down in front of me. So now we have a new way of drying the floor after we mop it!

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