Friday, July 3, 2020

Revolving door

Walter was adopted today. He is the first of Willow's kittens to go, at last. Of course, he is the grey.

Walter and Wendy (pre ring worm)

And Milky came in. He is less than 12 months old and was found wandering by a couple who fed him. Eventually they realised that they couldn't keep him. But they must have treated him well because he is very relaxed.


A man came in to adopt Harold and Haley but they are already promised to go to Chinatown next Tuesday. So he chose Lynette. He seriously wanted a timid cat, or two. She will reward him with devotion.


And Lola was surrendered by a family who can no longer keep her. She was adopted as a kitten from Ingleside in 2012. I don't have a photo of her from then. Perhaps "before my time".
She was not in a good mood. I had to clean the condo next to her's and she kept up a snarl every time I passed her.


And Charlie went to the dentist. He had all but his canines removed. He teeth were a mess. Perhaps that is why he was a grumpy cat. Now he just looks sore mouthed and is on soft food only. (Don't tell the other cats, they will be jealous).


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