Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Young Ones

All Willow's kittens have now been adopted. As well as the last two (Harold and Hayley) of Harriet's. And Bowie  . . . . of course, as he was the littleist. Leonard and Larry (Lucia's kittens) are still in quarantine with the ringworm. They are full of energy. One was chasing his tail so energetically that he fell off the shelf.
Another photo missed was when one of Lily's kittens climbed onto her back for a piggyback.
Bosely is everybody's favourite. . . . he is the boss-cat.

Poor Angus had to put up with hammering from next door or above today. It put him off his breakfast.


Adam and Eve were not getting on in a condo together. So they are in separate, but adjacent, wheely cages. Adam is much more interactive and engaging. Eve is more reserved.


 Morty looks good with pink.


Milky just looks good. He is a honey of a cat.


But Tara still doesn't want to know. . . . anybody.


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