Friday, July 31, 2020

My fault

On Wednesday I made a list of all Cookie and TimTam's stuff so that Irene could let the new owner know and bring a truck to pick it all up. Just making the list was too threatening. Today their new owner brought Cookie and Tim Tam back because they were not suitable in her house. And she brought back a new carry cage, a new bed, two new bowls and some litter tray liners. [Should have charged her surrender fees].

Tim Tam disappeared into the new bed and Cookie hid under an old grey blanket.

Robin dropped by to see if we need her. Yes please. Lola loved Robin and gazed out the front door looking for somebody to take her home.


Katie is always the last cat that I pat because she manages to rub herself all over my arms as I brush her. I thought it was my old, holey, red cashmere sweater she fancied, but any old sweatshirt will do.


I neatened  the other end of the linen shelves. I even managed to put together the multi-storey, crunchie dispensers that Diva and Sienna used to fight over/with. Edward and Jacob will get their crunchies that way from this evening. All the kongs are in the basket on the end of the shelf: so that if it gets knocked off there will be endless entertainment for Nom.

Molly went home (her mum did not have to go to WA after all) and the cat who was to come yesterday (Mozart) is not coming after all. Covid is mucking up the boarding schedule still.

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