Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bos at home

The folk who adopted Bosley sent photos to show just how easily and well he has settled into their family. His favourite pose is to stretch out, full length on his back on somebody's legs with a beatific smile on his face. Ask Tim to show you the photos. And to show the photos of Lynette in her new home. She seems very happy watching squirrels and birds on the computer and cuddling up to her man on the couch.

Adam was collected. Eve cheered as he left. I moved his toys to her wheely cage and moved his cage away. 


A woman came in to compare her and Kimmi as a suitable companion. She chose Kimmi and will be back on Friday to finalise the deal.

A pair of cats, Fred (shorthaired ginger at rear) and George (outgoing, medium haired ginger at front) were surrendered. I had a call from their previous owner who passed them onto a friend when she moved but now that they have been surrendered to us, she worries that they might be separated, or unhappy, or lost track of. She will visit next week.

George (and Fred in the background).

I removed the handbags from Cookie and TIm Tam's condo because they were flat and the cats were sitting on hard, cold shelves looking soulful. I added a nice big bed. But should have put a rug in it because the Burmese has disappeared.

Cookie and Tim Tam

Wendy was brought in to have her stitches removed. I remembered how to do it from Peggy days. Although, the method of stitching has changed to a double twist so I had to learn on the job, so to speak. She is much loved. Her new name is Suki.
I carried her to Willow's condo. Neither was impressed. Why does Willow still have a collar? Because it suits her?


Lily's babies are getting bigger than her. Her appetite is growing as fast as they are.


Just as I was about to leave (a couple of minutes after 4pm), Steph arrived with her four cats. She is to go to Tweed Heads and we get to meet her fur babies. Two boys and two girls: in the corner beyond Nom. Steph wondered if Linda would remember them and be comforted by their presence. Perhaps she could be moved to the condo above them to receive their rising auras. Linda had an enema yesterday because she hasn't poo'd for 6 days. She hardly ate anything today. But she did get lots of love.

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