Friday, September 11, 2020

Every attendee will get a prize

No prizes for guessing what will be in the black bags that members who go to the AGM tomorrow will be asked to take home with them. In the meantime, somebody came to look at our cats, met Katie and decided that as they already had a diabetic cat in the house, another one would be no trouble. She is still with us because the adoption is not official. But cross your fingers for our Katie. I finally got a photo with her sitting still!
The two who arrived on Wednesday are Zelda (fluffy)
and Rita. (Who chose those names to go together?) They seem to be settling in nicely.
Another cat, Libby was surrendered. The owners were in floods of tears. They have had the cat for 11 years but got a dog a couple of years ago to go with their baby. Libby doesn't like the dog. Or the new baby. So they gave her away. (We think the dog should have gone first, followed by the baby!) Libby was obviously upset. She may not like other cats either.
We now have two Tammys. The new ginger one is above our wild girl.
We sorted the new L kittens: Loki has the most dramatic markings. His stripes would look good on a tiger.
The other two are not so dark but are very similar. But one is a girl and the other a boy so it is easy to tell from behind. From the front, Lil has less stripes on her front feet.

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