Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Many visitors

No wonder Tim needs days off, it gets exhausting dealing with all the people. . . . the cats are easy. Heather rang at 10am to ask if she could come to meet Tammy 6. Sure, I said. She arrived at 11:30. It was a case of love at first sight, for both of them. She adopted her. While the adoption was being processed (I am slow, still) two other folk rang to ask about adopting her. And there were a couple of emails. Her write up on the SH website was very appealing. Heather used to be a vet nurse. Has had lots of cats (including a Himalayian so she knows about brushing cats) and her two Jack Russle type dogs died in February so she was ready for a new house mate. She wanted a scratchy pole. So I rang Tim (sorry Tim) to ask about the price for Lil's brand new white one that only got as far as just inside the front door. $100 was accepted and it is gone. Heather may be back as a volunteer. Then came Tara to adopt Loki. She didn't need to meet him. She just wanted him. I told her that he was a bit snuffly but she didn't mind. Compared to Tammy 6, he was a dream to get into her carry cage. I had to lend Heather a top loading carrier for Tammy who wasn't dangerous was but determined not to get into her small carrier. Then came the woman whose son adopted Amber. Amber is having a splendid life, she says. She came with a donation of towels and, of course, wanted to meet some cats. She has two 6/8 year old boy cats. So she really doesn't need another. But she might have gone home to work on her husband about Angelique. Then came a local couple who drop by frequently to find the perfect cat for them. They were interested in Tammy 6 from the website. Too late. So wanted to meet everybody else. They go for the older cats but he liked Vinnie who is new and came with all kinds of food.
He has perhaps been shaved from his knees to his tail to his waist. Or perhaps he has an allergy. His face is very cute and friendly.
Or perhaps the special organic type food is for Bella, a very tortie, confident lady whom they also liked.
Lil is back. I couldn't bear her being stuck in a small condo until Saturday when her new people (with kids) will come for her so set her up in her wheely cage so that she can crow and call.
Then it was time to mop the floor and serve dinner.

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