Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Overstaffed Boss Cocky

Today I had two regular vollies plus Sue who was training two more vollies. I enjoyed swanning around looking decorative. (Not). And as I did a final check of waters and doors I noticed that Lil/Loki/Leo had no water. I filled their bowl and immediately all three heads tried to fit into that bowl. So I gave them another. . . . . which they will probably overturn overnight. Lucia has been desexed and still wears a collar. When I gave her breakfast she got out of her box (Yellowglen Rose. . . very good taste for a Liverpool cat) and I took her collar off because her right front leg was sticking out of it as well as her head. She retired to her box and stayed there all day. I sat on the floor beside her and tried to entice her out of it by pats and loving words but it didn't work. She purred and appreciated the attention but wasn't falling for the trick. But as I was about to leave, she emerged and allowed me to put it back on her. And purred again. The sister of the woman who surrendered Abbie called to ask after her. I took the phone with me and Abbie talked to her, purred and drooled. Even the attention of a mobile phone is good to Abbie. Later I came back with a brush and gave her lots of time. She loved it. I had to wipe her drool from the floor. . . together with the hair. Like Katie she never stops moving for a photograph.
Another cat that loves attention is Tammy 6. Tammy 1 doesn't like attention. She is the wild one that introduced the dread disease but recovered. Tammy 6 is the fluffy ginger with freckles on her nose.
We have a rash of black cats including Star who now rooms with Rita (except at mealtimes).
Windsor is black.
As are Buddy and Petey whose distinguishing features are one white whisker and only one front leg.

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