Friday, September 4, 2020

Missed one

Today I went to pick up litter. I am actually learning the route and where places like Doonside are! So I didn't get to Safe Haven until 2:30pm. Some cleaning angel had sterilized most of the condos that I left to be done on Wednesday. But more were to be done: The nameless mum and bubs in S14 have gone to a foster home. Emma (so named because Emma brougth her) has gone. The condo above the nameless mum's had a please clean sign. Larry and Leonard's wheely condo still had the sign I put on it on Wednesday. Mally's condo needed to be done because he was adopted today. Hurrah. We got an enquiry from our web page from a mum of a 4 (almost 5) year old on Wednesday to ask if Mally would be suitable for a kid. I replied that he (the cat) is big enough and smart enough to keep out of the kid's way. And that they should both visit to see if Mally liked them. They came. They liked him. He liked them. He went home with them to make beautiful music together. While I cleaned Mally's condo, Billy above sat and watched
until he could bear it no longer. . . too much wiggling around, too many nasty smells and scraping sounds. He retreated to his upper berth. And Tabby next door was digging and digging in his small litter tray. He just couldn't find the right position. Eventually he did his business and I gave him a bigger litter tray. He is a big puss.
And still I missed one of the please clean signs. The one on Jacob's condo and he has been gone for a week. So it is not just me who misses them. Petal, Steph's cat, has lovely blue-green eyes. They will be staying with us for some time while Steph sorts out her abode.

1 comment:

  1. The leaning angel was me, Cass. I did them on my shift on the Tuesday 😺
