Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Joy's Wednesday

Whilst Black Cats Matter they have competition with the assortment of ‘gingers’ now on the scene ..... The first must surely be Tammy 6 who’s lion mane makes her the most attractive girl although a little well fed! Is that a white spot on the end of her tail?
Billy comes a close second and I’m sure is dying for a cuddle once her settles in more, he was busy making dough when I took this....
Not forgetting the besties “JuJu & Elle” who almost took a treat out of a human hand!
Lastly the affectionate Zelda who would take anything from you since she’s about the have her babies .... what a lovely Mum she will be I’m sure....
Nice to see how Petey & Buddy are coming out a bit and again happy to have a treat,

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