Sunday, November 15, 2020

Jimmy update

My cousin adopted Jimmy in January mainly to be a companion for her husband who had a terminal illness. They got on very well together and Jimmy got fat because he spent his time sitting beside “his” man. In May her husband died and Jimmy was sad. A friend came to stay with Jimmy whenever she had to go to her holiday house on the Hawkesbury River which is only accessible by boat. She loves him and he loves her so they kept each other company. The realisation, when we saw the real Jimmy, he is very adventurous and exceedingly loving. He can open most doors and tears outside for an adventure as soon as he sees an opportunity. Another friend had just had a long lived cat die. She has two others so Jimmy has gone to live with her. He is now never lonely. He hated being left for more than half a day. He now has two other cats to hang around with. He has been there for a bit over two weeks. My cousin misses him so much. He was wonderful company. But he is happy now being King of the roost in a house set up for cats. He is a gorgeous cat, albeit quite eccentric. He has lost weight!

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