Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Flash and kittens. . . . poof

Dolly's kittens didn't even make it onto the website last weekend. When I arrived this morning there was only one left with Dolly. He was the one that was too snuffly to be desexed. (I thought it was a ginger but the microchip never lies).
And Flash was adopted by a woman who already has two cats. Lily was desexed yesterday. Her leg was though her collar this afternoon.
We have a Lucky cat who was handed in by a Good Samaritan. Her collar has slipped over her shoulders which is quite appropriate as she has stitches on her side (lateral desex). (She is where Belle was).
Other movements: Octavia is now in the big room. Lily is where she was. Diamond and Hera are in separate wheely cages where Lily was. Confused?
We had plenty of vollies this morning. Rod is back. He feels safe to venture out from his retirement village (or can get back in safely after venturing out). There were no cats that he recognised from when he came last. Last week's learner vollie came and was very efficient. But next time she will tie her hair back. And a Qantas hostie came because she is still not working. The last job of the day was to try to remove some of the tangles on Star's tummy. Her kittens have been kneading her mammaries and felting her soft, fine fur. The nipples are clear because the hair falls away from them when the cat gets pregnant. I think Star enjoyed the attention.

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