Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Rita deflated

She has had five kittens so is much slimmer now. And looks a bit shocked.
Mimi's kitten has been named Macy.
Mia has a grown up kitten, Bella, a dark tortie, added to her condo. She is more confident than Mia who stays in her igloo (except when chicken necks are offered. She pockes her head out then!)
Elona's kittens are getting big but she keeps them very close.
Gracie's five are doing well. Last week they were in two clumps now they are all together.
Joy got a photo of Silky with her five.
Another cat arrived whom I didn't meet. And Lizzie was adopted today. Just Laurie, the last of Lily's litter, waits to be picked up on Friday. I gave him a small toy to play with because he had lost his sister and he crowed as though he had just killed it.

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