Thursday, November 19, 2020

Its raining kittens

There were four more this afternoon" two sets of pairs. I think they are to go to foster homes. Below the hissy pair:
Are is pair of tiny's"
And next to them below the crazy quartet are another pair who will be picked up by Sara:
Gracie's five are coming on quickly. The fluffy dark tabby had only one eye open until we bathed the stuck eye.
Elona was out with her two. I still don't know if they are a boy and a girl so that they can be named after the Keoride buses called Emma and Eamon I saw on my drive home after they were born.
I tried to get a good photo of Mia's Bella but they were focused on getting pats and treats and I couldn't get a good shot of Bella's super long, thin tail which has a curl on the end like a monkey's tail.

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