Thursday, November 12, 2020

Where is the box?

The kittens in condos are cute enough to be on a chocolate box. The pair happily played in an empty box until if fell off their upper shelf. They are a bit hissy but will soon associate folk with food.
Sue has worked hard to price all the new/good-as-new donated items for visitors and vollies. I bought Cody a tall scratchy pole because the one that Catsie gave me is getting a bit scruffy and it perhaps too short for him. His first reaction was "where is the box?"
[Notice the grass in pots being revived in the rain on the table outside. Tim says that they just need to be sprayed with water to keep them watered in the condo. But some cats, eg Felix, don't like the sound of a spray bottle even when used across the aisle.] His second reaction was "This one is just the perfect size for me."
His third reaction was "What new scratchy pole?"
Some of Dolly's kittens may be ready for adoption this weekend. Tell your friends. While I sewed a patch on the mesh of the condo below Rara's he came down from his upper shelf to keep me company and play paws. His boofy, big boy head is too big for his body which is still a teenager's undernourished, fast growing, leggy, thin tailed cat-astrophy.
PS: I spoke to the lady in Mona Vale who adopted Taylor (of Buffy and Taylor fame). She says that Tutu (aka Taylor) is the love of their life and is exceptionally affectionate to her and her husband. But if anybody visits their home, Tutu vanishes. She will not come out until they disappear. If you remember, when I visited them shortly after I delivered Taylor, she hissed at me and dove into a closet. Now I feel better knowing that she treats everybody apart from her beloved parents in exactly the same way.

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