Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Surprise at lunchtime

It was a busy day. The paper towels and gloves arrived yesterday, late. A couple of blokes came from a men's shed (that has some women builders as well) to measure up for new cages, two new vollies were trained by Sue, visitors came. I hung a cat themed wind chime on the door when I was the only person around. It worked once when I was out back in the morning but didn't work at 5 to 4 when I was handing out dinners. Better than nothing. It is on the stracthy near the buy-stuff=bookshelf just inside the second door. Tim had warned me that a quartet of kittens came in from a fosterer and that one had an eye infection that needed cream. It was hard to tell, in the morning, which kitten had the gummy eye. But eventually we worked it out and treated it. (The second photo includes the face of the white kitten).
But it wasn't until Sue was sitting with a cup of coffee at lunch time that she noticed a kitten in the next condo! Poor babies had not had any breakfast. After their lunch, Sue burritoed one to give it a good cuddle. Within five minutes the second kitten was crying for it's sibling. So I had to give it a cuddle. Hard job.
Neither of these condos had any sign. They do now. There is a new adult in Abbie's condo called Mixa. But she doesn't want to mix, thank you. By the time I left she had not touched her breakfast.
But Mia and Bella have come out of their shell/igloo.

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