Friday, February 19, 2021

Despite the drip he got the snip

I didn't get to do much animal behaviour-ing this afternoon because Anna arrived with a pile of donated stuff. And later another woman came by with even more. It all had to be sorted and sterilized. Then found places for. We may well make more out of this "get rid of the cat stuff in your garage" drive than the fun run last year. I did spend time with Silky's kittens who are still in the play place. They responded beautifully to food.
Later Tim added a couple of the black ones to Silky's condo. She was NOT HAPPY, JAN! Previous to that she almost smiled at me when I walked by. But she has definitely had enough of her kittens who are now almost as big as she is small. After sterilizing the donated items I decided to give Salam some attention before cleaning up Quarantine corner. He is definitely a lap cat. He didn't want to move off my lap as I sat on the floor. And everybody else looked at us.
The four new tiny kittens who were poorly on Wednesday evening were full of beans today.
And the other tiny kittens, closest to the front door are named Candy and Colette. They are crazy for Babycat.
Dobby got desexed today despite his pesistant sinus infection. Dr Kim "did" him late this afternoon. Here he looks a bit stunned but still hungry.

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