Friday, February 5, 2021

A stream of unmasked visitors

First Dr Kim came by to talk to Tim about the rent. I didn't listen because I was busy brushing the great pile of hair out of Rosie's rear.
I had noticed on Wednesday that she had hard, tufty spots over her hip bones. Today I got a comb and got them all out. She is now half of her original size. Dr Kim toured our cats looking for one suitable for a friend who's Himalayan-type has died. She rather liked Rosie, for a change, thinking that he would want an older cat. Then a young woman arrived to meet Mimi and Macy. Tim attended to her. They took their time, and proceeded with the adoption. Hurrah. While that was happening the woman who raised the three tuxedo's closest to the front door arrived to spend time with her "babies". Tim shut her in the play place with them. It was the kitten's first time there and they had a fabulous time. . . . hardly noticed her at all. It didn't stop her sitting and chatting with a kitten clutched to her breast. (She named the boy with most white on his face "Fiesty.") The vet students from Dr Kim's arrived to check us out, I thought. I did the tour, introducing each cat. Eventually the girl vet student confessed that she was interested in a companion to the male adult that she adopted from Sydney Dogs and Cats ("who don't have as many cats as we do"). He sleeps all day long. . . . as you do if you are a cat. She loved Zelda. By this time Tim was packing up Mini and Mia to take them to Dr Chris while he picked up Snow Pea. Mini has a suspicious bard spot on her tail that Dr Chris decided is not ring worm. Hurrah! Mini has a sore paw which we have been treating with antisceptic. Dr Chris says that it is probably chronic and not dangerous. Get her a home that doesn't have a hard floor and she will be fine. Hurrah! While Tim was away I offered to feed everybody. Working from out back to up front, I got to Star's condo. They all rushed out, as usual. When I put their food in their condo, they rushed back, as usual. But there were only two kittens. The sign on the condo said Star + 3. I looked under every thing that had a kitten sized slot. Watched the cats to see where they were focused which is usually a sure fire way of finding a kitten where it should not be. No third kitten. I checked the diary to see if a Star kitten had been adopted. There wasn't anything there. I chewed my fingernails until Tim arrived back to be told that another one of Star's kittens has been adopted. I really don't like this no name system. Dr Kim arrived with her two students and the client who wants another cat. She steared him towards Star (because she is fluffy). The girl student didn't point out that Zelda was fluffy too. But he decided that he is not ready for another cat yet. And the girl student muttered that Dr Kim said that if you have one cat who is happy in your home you should think twice about getting a second cat. . . . . REALLY
Lillian's kitten who I encouraged to play with thetoy.
C kittens:
The only girl below Salt and Pepper who spent some time this afternoon grooming her collar.
Dobby who doesn't have upstairs neighbours any more.
So/unny who would rather not hide with his mum, Sally.

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