Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Continuous visitors and enquires

Before we had finished cleaning up a woman arrived to check out Floyd. But on further chat she indicated that she would prefer a pair. So after lots of cuddling she chose a boy and girl from the N kittens who got 50 kisses each a day from their fosterer. . . . . Nancy and Nigel will continue with their luxury lifestyle. Poor Nero is left behind to be handed to any visitor who wants to cuddle a kitten. By the end of the day even he had had enough cuddles. Then somebody came to see if we had any kittens. I showed her the availables and she chose the grey tabby. . . either Charles or Christopher who are not available. She will keep her eye on our website. Another woman came to check out Elona who was having none of this being looked at business. She stuck firmly to the inside of her igloo. In the meantime, Nero got cuddled, Luna performed beautifully, I got the history of her previous cat who was adopted from Ingleside AWL 8 years ago. The cat's name was Calico. . . we did have a few of those. . . . She was incompletely desexed so kept coming into heat. She was a stress eater because of problems before AWL days. So she developed diabetes. She didn't like to sit on her person's lap unless there was a cushion there ready for her. She was a much loved cat. This woman brought in her son because he is a good cat picker. He cuddled Nero. In the meantime, she enquired about the birth dates of all the available, and unavailable cats. She liked Octavia. And Lily. She will return. One of my jobs for the day was to find out the sex of each of Silky's kittens who now live in the play place. Silky is in glorious isolation below Windsor. She gets to eat all the food all by herself. I sat with her kittens and played with them. They were not enthusiastic.
Being their mother's children, the only time I could try to determine their sex was when they were lined up with their heads in their food bowls. I quickly lifted their tails and made a guess. . . boy, girl, boy, girl. Four little kittens were dropped off yesterday. They were lively this morning but by the afternoon they were not happy. Could be worms. Could be they miss their mum.

1 comment:

  1. Nero, is such a love bug, he tolerated lots of squeezes and kisses from me today. I managed to hold each of the black Silk’ys kittens today, wouldn’t say the loved it, I got the stink eye but they let me for about 1min, so progress is progress 😺
