Friday, February 26, 2021

Engaging Ebony

There was a hole in the mesh of Wasabi's condo before she moved in. (Star's kittens did it). Her kittens have just learned to poke their heads through the hole. Within days their bodies will follow. So I patched the hole. Unfortunately there wasn't any of the thicker mesh left so it is a temporary fix. But whatever it was, Ebony was fascinated.
She gazed and gazed. While Wasabi tried to hide in her bed because my hands kept coming into her condo.
And her kittens went to sleep in a carry case that kept them from escaping all over the place.
Tim has listed lots of cats and kittens availble so that Terry can get them all adopted tomorrow. The list includes Coco, Cola and Pepsi who had a lovely time this afternoon in the play place while Silky's kittens were off getting desexed. Charles and Christopher are available. The "I am adopted" sign on Elona's condo that had Charles written on it was a mistake. Elona is to be picked up tomorrow. And perhaps the interested person of Wednesday will come by for Charles. Zelda is back on the available list and is desperate for cuddles. Steph's kittens Dash, Flash, Bear and Chip are bound to go quickly because they are such love bugs. Dobby, at last, is available with his loving snot.
As is Windsor with his old man's morning cough and hack.
Talking of which, why is Sunny's nose brown? He is available.
And Salam. We tried to get a good photo but he kept wigglying with the joy of being out and with people to love on.

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