Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Puddle of Purs

The traffic was dreadful this morning. It took twice as long as it should for me to get to Chatswood. Luckily Terry was caught up in it too so the kittens that he was to take to be desexed were ready by the time he arrived. They were the second pair of boys that Steph has been fostering. The first pair were desexed yesterday and I can only assume that the vet first demonstrated how to shave the bum of a kitten on one of them and let the student do the second. The poor ginger has a shocker of a shave job! He is bare to the hips. But the second pair of boys came back early (the vet gave them lunch) and while I finally got around to sorting out the laundry shelves, there was a puddle of purs coming from their condo. Soooo happy to be back together again.
Further down the Boarding block, Marigold and her kittens are not quite so chilled.
We have a new Japanese family who tend to stack one upon the other.
Wasabi, the mother, is on the right with the large, wary eyes. Her kittens are quite happy to be handled. Wasabi and Inari were desexed yesterday so I had to separate them from the boys to have pain meds. The boys were quite happy to be picked up to check their bald balls. And I put a collar on Inari to make it easier tomorrow. Didn't like my chances of getting a collar on Wasabi. We have a new Peanut-level grubby cat called Sesame. She has problems with her teeth and probably a wounded foot that leeks blood and perhaps a gut full of worms. But she is super friendly. If you try to take a photo of her, she immediately lies down for more cuddles.
Last thing this evening I had a Celeste sighting. Small steps.

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