Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Eating is hard

Earlier in the week Tim arrived to find Magnus' condo covered in blood. There were smears, flicks and pools of blood. It seems that he had removed the bandage from the end of his tail which had had some kind of surgery and it bleed. He now has an large, plastic, Elizabethan collar on to stop him chewing off the bandage on the tip of his tail. The collar makes it hard for him to eat. So I held his dish at an accessable angle for him. It is a great confidence building opportunity. It seems that his right eye may need further investigation. It may have a tumour in it in which case the eye will be removed. He sees (his dinner) very well with his left eye.
Next door to Magnus is Luna who is back again. I don't know why. She is just as sweet and friendly as she was when she left. And just as hungry.
Between Luna and Ebony is Caspar who came from a colony. Poor girl had all her teeth except for two canines removed last Thursday. She is on soft food only until her gums harden up which will take 3 weeks or so. She ate all the wet food that I offered her. (Which is more than Tara did. She seems to be on a hunger strike at the moment. Perhaps she is a Moslem cat. It is Ramadan at the moment which means that you should fast during daylight hours).
I moved Coco and Mason into the Palace condo. They had a lovely time exploring their new digs.
There is only one other boarder left now. Milly was picked up early because her people went to Far North Queensland and the weather was shocking. They came back three days early and picked her up this afternoon. They paid the full boarding fee and asked how they could give us a donation as well. What nice people! Katey noticed that Marigold's sleeping condo needed cleaning and fresh bedding but Marigold would not move out despite offers of treats. She didn't move until dinner time. I quickly shut her bedroom door and cleaned the bloody snot off the walls, replaced the bedding and refreshed the air. Marigold was most suspicious of my efforts.
But it was nice to see Olsen out of her cat carrier bolt hole this afternoon (after everybody had left). She is a lovely, large, medium haired, grey tortie. So should be called Olsanne!
Belle's kittens have come back. There are only three left. They seem healthy except for Button who still has a touch of flu.

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