Friday, April 16, 2021

Meet Magnus

I don't know his story. His left eye may be sightless. He is a big boy so the name is appropriate even though the Elizabethian collar looks a bit sissy.
I delivered two filing cabinets that have been stored in Barb Webster's garage since Ingleside AWL folded. They still have "Cats Adopted" signs and empty files. One has a shallow drawer and one file draw. I hope that will live where we can access pens, scissors, sticky tape, paper clips etc. The other is a two file drawer unit on wheels. It will soon be filled up. The Stephanie kittens who were new on Wednesday and were two girls and two boys are actually four boys according to the vet who desexed them. And three of them have been adopted already. Only one remains, Arne (who used to be Anne Marie).
My excitement for the afternoon was after a mum and her daughter came to visit and drool over the cats. They have a rescue cat whom they adore. But they think that she needs a friend her own age and species. The other fur babies in the house are a pair of middle aged caboodles who love the cat, who is their boss. They loved Christopher, Charles, Sunny and Pepsi. But. . . . there is a teenaged son who is doing year 12 this year. He says that he could not abide another cat in the house. It would be too much distraction. He needs . . . . to be the center of the family universe. . . So the mum and daughter will come back another day. Tim was busy in the annex with a visiting dignitary. I was carefully handing out grain free treats to the cats. It is a bit hard to do animal behaviour training when you really cannot touch any of the cats for fear of spreading flu viruses. But I told the cats how lovely they are and here is a treat. I opened Matty and Maddy's door and he bolted. Luckily I got to the door to the boarding/off limit area before he did. He ran a few laps around the main cattery and then scaled Lily's wheely to hide on the top of the bank of condos behind all the for sale litter trays. I gently took all the trays down to floor level. Matty retreated behind the potted plastic plant. I moved the large black, cloth carrier that lives on top of Lily's wheely on the other side of the pot. I got the black blanket from underneath Maddy who was having a peaceful snooze with that dratted brother gone away. I covered the carrier with the cloth. Matty walked into the carrier. I zipped up the door. And let out a long-held breath. Putting him back onto his condo was no problem. I just had to put all those wretched litter trays back on top of the condo. Sooty was fascinated by all this. She watched from her condo across the way from Matty and Maddy.
And Lily wasn't phased by a ginger boy climbing up her walls. Her eye is back to normal after being fluey weepy on Wednesday.

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